Sunday, November 18, 2012

Faux Vintage Perfume Box - a tutorial

Hi - I have been diagnosed....well self diagnosis and I am suffering from OCD (Obsessive Crafting Disorder).  This disorder is always with you! It can get you  in the middle of the night, whilst you are eating and, worst of all when you are doing housework! Suddenly you must stop whatever you are doing whilst this idea that will change mankind is in the forefront of your mind!  In my case OCD is hereditary and I can blame (thank actually) my mother, who was a soft furnisher. Even in the 50s and 60s she used to up-cycle furniture

I was recently given a lovely sample of  perfume and it came in a beautiful little box, which was too pretty to throw away

so I decided to give it a romantic looking aged effect and this is what I did:

I mixed instant coffee with hot water

and brushed it on the edges

then printed off 3 images from my favourite source The Graphics Fairy - 2 for the front and one inside

and  brushed the coffee over the images and allowed them to dry. I mixed some stronger coffee and flicked it over the images to give a more vintage look. I used a flat brush, but an old toothbrush works well

next I cut the images to fit the lid, inside and out,  and stuck them on with craft glue

then added a silk ribbon bow (which I dipped in the coffee and allowed to dry), added a vintage button and 2 little rhinestones at the edges of the script

Finally  I glued some vintage lace around the edge

and that's it - trash to treasure!